Life Lately
Rule #80: Stupid is as stupid does.
You’d think that given the fact that we haven’t left the house to do anything but drive around a few times that things would be pretty boring and quiet around here. Not so, my friend. Not. At. All. We have had quite the couple of weeks! Lots of drama for your Mama, a major mishap on the tile floor, and the realization that some people are just plain stupid.
We decided to have an all Astros night last week to keep Corey’s spirits up. I think I will cry the first time we get to watch a baseball game together when this mess is over!

Brooke’s obsession with buckets on her head is hilarious and also describes my mood most days…

Corey and I have been trying to play baseball as much as possible to stay sane. I have a few lovely bruises to show for it, too! I decided I needed protection when I’m pitching to him, so I got this handy little Pitch Back Net to keep me safe. I’ve already successfully avoided many a bruise thanks to this guy.

There are no rules around here anymore, folks. The kids jump all over the beds and furniture, and frankly I just don’t care! Have at it, kiddies! Corey has gotten quite good at belting out Frozen 2 songs while playing his guitar. His favorite stage is, of course, on Mommy and Daddy’s bed.

Big excitement last week: we got to watch the landscapers trim the hedges. Oh boy, oh boy!

I have to confess that I HATE science. Like, hate, hate, hate it! I was an English major, folks. I don’t do bugs and experiments and stuff like that. Until now… we’re raising our own little butterfly gang. The kit is super simple and comes from good ole Amazon! Their names are: Cassidy, Kevin, Rubble, Abe, and Meat. Our adorable niece and nephew helped us name them. I’m a little worried about Meat though… he’s not hanging on like the others. Could he be… dead… meat? Ha!

We’ve been doing a lot of looooooong bubble baths to kill time! We even instituted a happy hour situation this week. Juice for the kids! Juice for the Mama!

The one thing I have to be so unbelievably grateful for during this time is the gorgeous weather here in Houston! It’s been absolutely beautiful. I feel so sorry for folks stuck somewhere with crappy weather! Being outside is so good for the soul.

And so are splash pads! They may use a lot of water, but I will pay that bill happily if the babes are entertained. This one is $13 and has been a winner for a couple of years now!

We enjoyed a little FriYAY on the patio last night. (We’re extending our back patio, by the way! Pictures to come!) I love this hunky man so much. I don’t think I’d be sane without him!

Speaking of sanity… this adorable little tornado chipped her tooth this week. We were all in the master bathroom, and I was washing my face. I turned to look at her and saw her trip over her own two feet and land tooth first on the tile floor! At first, I was expecting a majorly busted lip. It wasn’t until she calmed down a bit that I even saw the tooth. Gracious above. This child will be the end of me. She is so adorable though… chipped tooth and stitches scar and all.

I’d like to add that in the past 6 months… she’s given me a black eye, had to get stitches, and now chipped a tooth. BUT she also got to take her first big bubble bath, so, there’s that!

We’ve been working on teaching her different body parts, too. Her current favorite is CHEEEEEEEKS! She smooshes them together just for the full effect.

As crazy as this little bundle makes me, I can never stay grumpy for long. She’s the sweetest angel baby! I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this on here, but I’ve always been terrified to be a girl mom. Boys are easy to me. I think God knew what He was doing when he sent this little nugget to us.

I got a little happy in the mail last week! These melamine plates are gaawwwgeous! They’ve made our meal times a little brighter. They are on MAJOR sale right now, too!

I did however have a little UNHAPPY situation last week. I had the image for my Garlic Parmesan Roasted Shrimp stolen off of Pinterest. It’s a long story, but basically this “person” named Mery Boyle (pretty sure it’s a fake identity) was getting a TON of traffic on “her” sites from my image. There’s a way to find out the worth of websites, and hers are worth about $150,000. From what I can tell, all of the images are stolen. If that wasn’t enough to get my blood boiling, this sure did:

“She” attacked me on my personal Facebook page and called me a liar. It was unreal. That was the cherry on top. I had reported the stolen image and her page to Facebook (along with the help of SOOO many wonderful friends). After I reported her once, Facebook took the image down. Then she put the same image right back up, so I reported her again. That’s when she went after me. After I told “her” to back off, she blocked me and a bunch of my friends. I emailed the host of her websites (which is based out of Morrocco, not Virginia like her profile says) and told them to cease and desist all use of my images. They replied with an apology, removed the images from Facebook and their sites, and THEN offered to give me free advertising on their pages. I politely declined. It was insane to me. They even admitted that Mery had stolen the image from Pinterest. The next day, they posted the same bogus recipe with a different image to their Facebook page and websites. I can laugh at it now, but going through it really got me heated. Some people are truly stupid.

Moving on. World, meet my super hero scooter boy. That’s the top of the Mr. Potato Head bucket he’s using as a shield. Gotta keep things interesting.

I don’t have pictures of these goodies yet, but I wanted to share some of our favorite Amazon finds recently! Could you imagine a pandemic without online shopping?! I daresay not!
SOJOS Sunglasses $15 – my fave!!!
Baby Touch Tablet $17 – perfect for the young kiddos
Mess-Free Doodling Mat $24 – both kids love this thing
Water Guns 2 for $19 – Corey and Jon Boy’s new favorite hobby
Timber Ridge Chair with Side Table – our favorite chairs for the back patio right now!
Cheers to surviving another week during this crazy mess. Y’all stay safe and sane out there!