Life Lately
Rule #248: Baseball season is the best season.
It’s officially here, y’all: baseball season. You’d think it was like Christmas all over again. Corey’s super pumped. Jon Boy is super pumped. And Brookie and I are just in it for the hot dogs and cute new clothes.

I put on my jersey last Thursday for the Astros’ opening day, and this little man refused to wear anything but his very own jersey. Never mind that it’s about a size-and-a-half too big. Home boy wasn’t having anything else.

I wanted a quick pic to commemorate the start of the season (I’m thinking Pinterest-Mom-Level-Memories here people… like a picture every year at the beginning of each season). Corey was much, MUCH more interested in watching the game. A banana bribe finally did the trick.

There was another big day for this little man last week. We finally got him his very own baseball glove. It was quite a feat because he’s a little lefty. We tried looking at Academy, but they didn’t have any lefty gloves in stock, but ended up having to go with ole Amazon (this was the one we went with per coach’s orders – comes in left + right handed). He loves it!

I had a big day, too! I scored this adorable tube jumpsuit from American Eagle last week (I’m wearing a medium). I’m imagining patios and margaritas in my future. I have a lot of work to do in the tanning department first though. I also found these cute sandals from Nordstrom, and I loved them so much I ordered a second pair (I sized up one full size btw). They’re a great find at $30!

This little cookie got some new clothes of her own… this crazy grower is already in 9 month clothes! I can’t believe how fast she’s grown in comparison to Corey. I felt like he was a little baby forever, but she’s getting so big so fast! Is that a second kid thing? Oh… also… she’s discovered the fun that comes with rolling over! The first few times, I think she scared herself, but now she’s kind of loving the trick.

She also loves hanging out at Corey’s baseball class. I’m pretty sure that in her head she can run and jump and throw the ball just like all the other kids. Not much longer and she will be alllllll over the place. This one is busy!

She’s also loving being woken up from her little carseat naps to go shopping with Mama. Ha! Not. Those furrowed brows mean business. She is the best helper (once she’s over the cranky phase).

And she loves her some selfies.

I had to share this adorable towel my friend, Abby, gave me the last time she was in town. It cracks me up every time I see it because it’s so dad gum true. Potty training? Disaster (but improving). Sleep deprivation? Always. Tried to cook a new recipe and failed? Check and check. But, I had a fully stocked bar, so cheers to that!

I updated my recipe for Roasted Chicken with Lemon + Goat Cheese last week. I always felt like the original pictures didn’t do this easy little dinner justice. It’s healthy, legit easy, and delicious!

We had our chicken with this recipe (coming tomorrow) for Asparagus with Balsamic Tomatoes. It’s another simple little number that makes the perfect side dish to pair with pretty much anything!

We’re also loving this Mexican Veggie Medley now that it’s getting slightly warmer outside (except for today – WTF Weather Man?! Two days ago I was sweatin’ it off in shorts and today I’m wrapped up in sweats with fire on. Get it together!) This little side dish is perfect with fajitas and Taco Bell Beans.

Here’s my recipe FAIL of the week. I tried cooking up some Asian-Style Chicken Meatballs I’d seen in a magazine. The flavor was AMAZING, but y’all… check out those sad little balls. Saggy. Flat. Not cute. They are not on my “WORK IN PROGRESS” list, so stay tuned. They’ve got potential.

We tried an old faithful we hadn’t had in a while: Chicken Marsala. I love going back to recipes we’ve neglected to spice things up a bit. We had leftovers for lunch the next day, too. Score one for the home team!

So many of y’all indulged my craziness on Instagram and listened to my stories about how to store ginger so it lasts for months! Y’all were all very sweet. It seems like such a small trick, but boy does it make a difference. Here’s the easy way to take care of your ginger issue:
Break the ginger apart so it’s in little nobbles (look it up – it’s a word, okay?) that are easy to peel.
Peel said nobbles with a vegetable peeler.

Store the peeled ginger in a Ziploc bag in the freezer.
Grate it using a microplane grater into whatever you need! It should last up to 6 months.

Cheers to baseball season! May your beer be cold, your hot dogs one dollar, and your team in the winning column!
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