On Saturday, Jon was really craving some steak {Did you say steak? – if you know what movie that’s from, we’re buddies}. He stopped and grabbed us a couple of HUGE New York Strip steaks. We have a whole one leftover, so I’m probably going to make Beef Stroganoff with it. We had such a great time relaxing on the porch, letting Corey run wild, and enjoying the awesome weather we’ve been having here in H Town.
The boys walking and exploring our ‘hood.
My sister-in-law has this awesome thing in her kitchen for her kiddos. It’s so awesome I felt compelled to order it before I even had kids, but I held off until now. It’s the Little Helper FunPod. There are ton of different versions of this type of “helper,” but I love this one because it keeps the kiddos contained. Some other versions have open sides, but that just scares me because I’m afraid Corey would slip right out. He’s been super interested in watching us cook, so this is a way for him to do that without us having to hold all 30 lbs. of him while we do it!
He also enjoys eating his “naa” {snack} in it!
This current Mom Look is brought to you by: Converse | Zella | and a whole lotta laundry and not enough time to get purty
It’s been forever since this kid would smile and take a picture with me. I had to take about 28 just to document the occasion. #demcheekies
I’m still reallllyyyy digging throwing some berries in my white wine. It takes a ton of the bite out of it, plus you’re left with a boozy-berried treat at the end of your drinky poo!
Little Man is finally drinking from a straw [hoping that helps with our future dental bills]. He’s demolished no less than three sippy cups because he chews on them like a dog on a bone. I found this Thermos brand one at HEB, and it’s fantastic! My sister-in-law has had the same one for her kiddos for about three years, and it’s still in perfect condition!
Also – TMNT Power all the way with this guy.
Happy Week, friends!