Park and Picture Adventures

Park and Picture Adventures

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Rule #18: Dogs will always steal the focus away from you.

We were getting a little cabin fever after all the Christmas festivities, so we decided to brave the cold + wet weather to take a little adventure in the park. This little fella was all ready and bundled up in his awesome new hat from his Aunt Mo. It’s even got Mickey Ears that flap out into an adorable display of ridiculous cuteness. Ignore that his jacket is possibly two sizes too big.

park adventures

Noni + Her Grandson – “Cheeeeeeeeeeese”

park adventures

These geese conducted their own naval operations and followed us all around the pond. They even braved a Land Assault and almost got Penny a few times. These guys aren’t messing around. My mom had a pretty traumatizing experience with these beasts, but that’s another story for another time.

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My two thugs.

park adventures

Little thug got tired there and went for a ride on Daddy’s shoulders. Smart thug.

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Mama Thug + Baby Thug (okay, so my outfit is more like JCrew Prep, but you get the idea).

park adventures

And now we get to the Rule of the Day. Dogs will always steal the focus away from you.

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See: Penny poised and ready for the attack on the Goose Navy. She’s tough, brave, and ready to defend her family.

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BAHH! Just kidding…

park adventures

Stealer of the Focus: Exhibit A

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Exhibit D

PennyStealer of the Focus: Exhibit P (for Penny)

We sat there huddled like that for wayyyy too long to be comfortable. I finally figured out the ole automatic timer on the new camera. It took about 10 shots with 2 seconds in between each. During that whole time, we were completely unaware that Penny’s tail was the main attraction in all of the pictures. Would’ve been SUCH a great picture, too. 

park adventures

I guess this is payback for all of the Christmas PJ’s I’ve made her wear this year. It’s a good thing she’s so dang cute.


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