Mommy Tips (from a Clueless Mommy)

I’m definitely not the pinnacle of information when it comes to doing the Mommy thing, but I’ve found a few helpful things along the way. My friends, family, and physicians have been wonderful with their advice and helpful tips. I hope they’re helpful to you, too!

Ibuprofen Dosage Chart
children and infants ibuprofen motrin chart
Tylenol Dosage Chart
children infants tylenol dosage chart
Ages & Stages Learning Activities
This is a great resource if you need different activities to do with your kiddo at every age (games, conversations, vocabulary, etc.). It also tells you things your little one can/could/should/will be doing with each milestone. Take it, of course, with a grain of salt. Corey definitely wasn’t doing everything exactly on the mark – some prematurely and some later on. I think with charts like these, it’s best to know that it’s just something that could be going on. Don’t stress if your little one isn’t doing EXACTLY what this little diddy says.

Click Here

Medical Advice (for those 3 a.m. panic attacks)

Our pediatricians have been EXCELLENT when it comes to providing information and letting us gleam what we want from that information. They were never too pushy nor too laid back. I think having that confidence in your pediatrician makes a world of difference! Here’s a link to the advice I’d look up when I was freaking out in the middle of the night over [insert whatever parents freak out about at 3 in the morning]. I hope it’s helpful to you!

Click Here

I will say the best advice I can give you though is to ask for help and be willing to receive it. It truly does take a village, and I’m extremely grateful for mine. They’ve helped me on my journey to raise this chubby muffin.

baby and puppy

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