Every now and then, I find a few goodies that I just love and have to share. Here’s a quick list of a few of those things:
I’ve had the new iPhone for a few months now, and I’m still getting used to the different headphone and charging situations. I’m not going to lie… I kind of hate it. I want to charge my phone while listening to NPR or music on a long road trip. You can’t do that with the new iPhone. Until now! I found this little diddy on Amazon, and I’m so happy! I plug the headphone jack into my auxiliary cord and obviously just charge with the other.
Edit – [cue my rage face] – this bad boy definitely stopped working after just an hour of use. Boooo.

This shirt is everything. I laughed out loud when I saw my friend on Facebook wearing it, so I knew I had to snag one for myself.
I Only Rap Caucasianally T-Shirt

This song has been my anthem lately. It keeps me going when I feel like I’m ready to call it a day. Plus, it’s super fun to belt out in the car!

We recently ordered the Phone Soap gadget from Amazon. With everyone in our house being sick over the past month or so, I’ve often wondered just how gross our phones must be. Ugh… I can’t let my brain go there. I looked up phone wipes and cheaper options, but this just had the best ratings. I love it so far! It cleans your phone in no time, and it even comes with an option to charge your phone.

We used to buy these candles at a fave restaurant of ours in Irving, but since we’ve moved, we can’t find them anywhere. Amazon to the rescue! We love the Japanese Cedarwood scent, but all of them are powerful and smell good in my experience.