Fall is my FAVORITE! I’m so excited that it’s the special time between Halloween and Christmas. I absolutely love to decorate for fall. I was a little bummed when I went to Hobby Lobby the day after Halloween hoping to scoop up some good fall sales and I totes found only Christmas on display. #toosoon #mamawassad
I made due with what we had from our old house and this ended up being the result in the dining room:

The wreath is from Michael’s and the pumpkins are from Hobby Lobby. Gotta love those stores [but only on sale – never buy when they’re full price!]
I was looking through all of our many boxes of keepsakes we brought from our Irving home, and I found a real gem.
It’s a note from one of my former 7th grade students. He was by far one of the most memorable kiddos I’ve ever had. He had quite a personality, as you can tell from his little note.

It says, “Sorry for bad hand writing… Just don’t feel right”
[Not sure what he didn’t feel right about, but I love that he apologized]

Gotta love the date.
We had a great dinner at El Tiempo in Vintage Park with my mom while she was in town! It’s just the best Mexican food you can find. It’s down home, the waitstaff are extremely friendly, and we can sit on the patio and let big guy chomp down on avocado.

I love sleep stalking. I can’t get enough of his butt in the air and those chubby cheeks smooshed up on his “stuffy”.

And just to end with a little election humor…