How To: Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi
Rule #230: Sometimes an obsession is a good thing.
I’m currently obsessed with Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi. There is no shame in my gnocchi game. We usually have it with an easy bolognese (meat) sauce, but we’ve also loved it in lieu of real gnocchi in my Parmesan Spring Pasta. It’s the perfect, low-calorie, lower-carb substitute for pasta. I’ve had a lot of people ask for tips on how to cook Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi, so I decided to do a little how-to for y’all here! It’s also in the highlights of my Insta Stories if you follow me on Instagram.

I just found out that good ole Amazon will even ship these little bags of deliciousness straight to your front door! Oh what a beautiful time we live in, my friends.
Here are the nutrition facts for this cauliflower gnocchi. Tons of fiber, low calorie, and lower carbs than you’d have if you were eating regular pasta. Here’s a link to more info on the Trader Joe’s website.

All righty, let’s cook us some cauliflower gnocchi, y’all!
First, heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until it’s hot enough to sizzle water.

Then, toss in a bag of cauliflower gnocchi and 1/4 cup water.

Cover and cook for about 6 minutes, shaking the pan to move the gnocchi around every minute or so. This process will cook the inside of the cauliflower gnocchi.

Now add 2 tbs. butter and sauté until the cauliflower gnocchi is browned (about 5 minutes), stirring occasionally. This process will brown the outside of the cauliflower gnocchi and give you a really good texture. Make sure not to stir too much; you want the gnocchi to have time to brown on all sides.

Here’s what your finished product will look like:

Look at those perfect little pillows of you-think-it’s-pasta-but-it’s-not deliciousness! Just waiting to be devoured in the most non-guilty way!

Like I said, we usually have ours with an easy bolognese sauce (usually previously frozen because I make a TON of bolognese sauce at a time and freeze portions for later). My favorite pasta sauce is hands-down Rao’s Marinara. I just brown some 90/10 ground sirloin and throw in that sauce and life is good. Makes for a super easy and delicious Monday night dinner! Add on some chopped basil and grated Parmesan and you’re on to something.