I recently went to a baby shower for a sweet friend, and they gave us the best party favors ever. They placed a simple, stemless wine glass in each bag. Then, they had an assortment of individual wines to choose from inside the different bags. I can always dig wine as a party favor. I went for the pink variety since my sweet friend is having her second baby girl!

They added an adorable note, too.

On Sunday, we spent all morning organizing our chaotic garage, so we decided to rest in the afternoon. Jon put on the Astros’ game on the porch, and we all just played and lounged outside. The weather was nothing short of perfect. I’ll take all the cool, breezy days I can get before the 100 degrees + humidity starts.

I just bought the cheapest 100% pineapple juice I could find, which happened to be the canned version. It cost about $2 and comes with a ton that you can put in a different container and store in the fridge.

This cocktail is citrusy, smooth, and the perfect way to end your day (or start it, whateves). If you taste it and feel like you want more sweetness, just add a dash of agave nectar and give it a stir.

Blackberry Breeze